Politecnico di Milano

The “Biosignals, Bioimages and Bioinformatics” group at POLIMI, in collaboration with the “Laboratory of Technologies and Intelligence for Health” forms an interdisciplinary team with extensive expertise in biomedical signal and image processing for cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory modeling using cutting-edge technologies.

Role in the project

Within the SMASH-HCM project, we lead Work Package 6 (WP6). Here, we focus on developing knowledge- and data-driven predictive models using AI/ML for patient stratification and treatment response prediction. These AI models will be integrated with the mechanistic models developed in Work Packages 3-5. We will also contribute to Work Package 7, which aims to create a digital twin-based decision support solution for HCM management. Our involvement is critical for designing, developing, and testing AI/ML tools for patient stratification and HCM management. Our ultimate goal is to bring these innovative tools into clinical practice and improve patient care.

Colleagues working on the project

polimi fullprofessor luca mainardi

Luca Mainardi

Full Professor

Luca Mainardi is the Director of the Bachelor and Master Program in Biomedical Engineering (the largest in Italy with 500 new entries/year) at Politecnico di Milano and the Co-Chair of the recently established Joint Research Facility center between Politecnico di Milano and the Auxologico Hospital. Prof. Mainardi is fellow of the EAMBES and a member of the Board of Computing in Cardiology. He is theme editor for track #1 on “Biomedical signal processing” of the IEEE EMB conference and he was the Program Co Chair (and organizer) of the IEEE EMB Conference in Milano on 2015 (3000 attendees) and Berlin 2019. He is the past Chair of the Technical Committee on “Biomedical Signal Processing” of the IEEE EMB Society and he has been Chair of the International Medical Informatics Association (WG7 on Biomedical Pattern Recognition). Prof. Mainardi was inserted in the list of the top 2% of the most cited scientists in his field by Stanford University in 2022. His research activity is in the field of biomedical signal and image processing, and biomedical system modelling, where he authored more than 170 peer reviewed papers on international journals. He raised 4M Euro funds in industrial and basic research grants in Biomedical Signal and Image analysis: among those, Prof Mainardi was the Coordinator of the Marie Curie EU project MY ATRIA a MultidisciplinarY training network for ATrial fibRillation monItoring treatment and progression”. He has served as reviewer/consultant for funding agencies in Europe including ESF, FCT and Horizon EU.

polimi associateprofessor valentina corino web

Valentina Corino

Associate professor

Valentina Corino is Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Her research activity lies in the field of biomedical signal and signal processing. Her main interests are in signals of cardiovascular origin, especially regarding supraventricular arrhythmias to assess for example autonomic tone, drug response. Regarding image processing, her research lies in radiomics applied to magnetic resonance images and computed tomography of oncological and cardiac patients to assess treatment response and survival analysis. She authored 72 peer reviewed papers on international journals and 5 book chapters. She is responsible of the LEGO lab (DigitaL tEchnologies for imaGing and sensOrs), a laboratory dedicated to digital technologies, imaging and sensoring, and part of the joint research center between Politecnico di Milano and IRCCS Centro Cardiologico Monzino. She is local principal investigator of four national projects applying artificial intelligence on bioimages (early prediction of hip prosthesis failure from x-rays images, radiomics in oncological field and in the cardiovascular field to identify vulnerable patients from cardiac computed tomography). She is coordinating INSIDE-HEART, a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network project.

polimi associateprofessor pietro cerveri

Pietro Cerveri

Associate Professor

Pietro Cerveri, holding an MSc in Electronics Engineering (1994) and a PhD in Bioengineering (2001), currently serves as an Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering (DEIB) at Politecnico di Milano. In his current role, he is responsible for the Laboratory of Technologies and Intelligence for Health (TIH Lab) at DEIB. He is also a research fellow at Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS in Milan, where he is responsible for the Laboratory of Innovative Technologies in Sleep Medicine. As a lecturer, he taught Cognitive System Engineering from 2004 to 2009 and currently holds the position of Reader in “NeuroEngineering” since 2009, as well as in the “Laboratory of Biomedical Technologies and Biosensors” (I and II semesters, 2015-present) in the Biomedical Engineering master’s degree program at Politecnico di Milano. His recent research activities concern medical robotics, wearables and biosensors, AI-based signal/image processing and analysis. His extensive research output comprises over 110 scientific papers, about 50 contributions to international conference proceedings, and national and international patent applications. His academic development includes notable positions such as a research fellow at the Neuroscience and Bioimages Institute of the National Council of Research (Milan, IT) (1997 – 1998), a research fellow at National Library of Medicine del National Institute of Health (Bethesda, MD, USA) in Fall 1998, a research fellow at the European Institute of Oncology (2000-2001), and a research fellow at Fondazione Pro Juventute Don Gnocchi (Milan, IT) (2001-2003). In the subsequent years, he contributed significantly to the field as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Bioengineering Department of Politecnico di Milano (2004-2006) and a research scientist at the National Center of Oncologic Hadron-therapy (CNAO, Pave, IT) since 2012.

polimi postdoc marion taconne

Marion Taconné

Postdoc, Ph.D

Marion Taconné is a postdoctoral fellow at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, affiliated with the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB), where she is a member of B3Lab. She holds a Ph.D in analysis and processing of information and medical Images from the University of Rennes (Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image, INSERM U1099), Rennes, France and a MSc in applied mathematics and computer sciences from University of Grenoble Alpes – Grenoble INP – ENSIMAG, Grenoble, France. Her research interests focus on physiological modeling, signal processing and machine learning applied to cardiovascular data.

polimi sara maria pagotto

Sara Maria Pagotto

MS, Ph.D Student

Sara Pagotto has got a MSc in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Her expertise spans artificial intelligence tools for biomedicine, biomedical signal and image processing and predictive analysis in clinics. She is currently enrolled as a PhD Student at Politecnico di Milano.